
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Overdue Update

Since the last time I wrote, a lot has happened. Fortunately most of it was related to school and had not much to do with my health! I went to see Dr. Wolf in Atlanta at the end of January. I was VERY nervous for the appointment (my blood pressure was through the roof!) and had to wait a while to see the doctor. He finally arrived and was not too concerned about the abnormal results on my colonoscopy from November. He called Dr. Nesmith, my primary GI, and recommended that I have another colonoscopy in six months from my last one, which happens to be at the end of May. He also suggested that since I have some possible reflux problems that I should also have an upper endoscopy (EGD) to make sure things are OK on the upper half of my GI tract.

I was so relieved to hear that the surgery was not happening, at least not yet. For a whole month, my world was weighted down by what would have been a life changing operation over two surgeries and several months. During that month, my only solace was in trusting that God would know what is right for me and has a plan for what will happen, good or bad. One of my favorite selections from the bible is Matthew 6:27, 34 : 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. These words reassured me that the lord is sovereign and will provide for me every day!

In 3 1/2 weeks, I will have another colonoscopy and EGD. I can already feel a little bit of anxiousness creeping back into my life, not just because of the possibility that another bad biopsy could still mean surgery, but also for the colonoscopy and upper scope themselves. The prep the night before is pretty rough, though not as bad as I remember my first one was. I will update as the time for the colonoscopy approaches... maybe I could update during the prep? Not sure anyone really wants to see that though :)

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