
Saturday, March 2, 2013

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!

I'm only about 2.5 weeks out from surgery No. 2 and I am getting more excited about it every day! Can't wait to get rid of the pouch and get back to a normal life!

This was a pretty good week back to school. We had a concert on Tuesday night and I had to teach by myself Thursday and Friday, so it was a pretty long week. But I actually enjoyed most of the week. The concerts went much better than expected, especially after a full week break! Also, teaching by myself wasn't too bad either. I enjoyed it most of the time :) Also, my pain comes and goes based on how active I am but responds pretty well to Advil.

My doctor's office called on Wednesday and said that my spleen was enlarged (duh... I'm pretty sure I already knew that!), but they weren't able to tell how large it was or what was causing it. So, they asked me to bring the disc to them so that my doctor can get a look at it and try to figure out what's going on. The pain is manageable and not as intense as last week, so that makes it a little easier to keep waiting for a response or a solution.

The other exciting thing that happened this week is that I decided to join CCFA's Team Challenge. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America seeks to find a cure for UC and Crohn's so that others will not have to suffer through these debilitating illnesses. Team Challenge is an endurance training program where participants pledge to raise a certain amount of money to run a Half-Marathon. There are events in Napa, California, Virginia Wine Country, Kona, Hawaii, and Chicago! I am going to be participating in the All State Chicago 13.1 Half Marathon on June 8th, 2013.

Wednesday of this week, I went to an info meeting at the CCFA headquarters in Atlanta and ended up signing up on the spot. I told them I was hesitant since I had surgery in November and have surgery again on the 20th. They were all so supportive and encouraged me not to worry about it. They keep reinforcing the fact that they will make sure I finish..."The distance is the same whether you walk or run." This low pressure attitude is awesome and I am truly excited to be a part of Team Georgia!

This morning, we actually had the first training run in Atlanta. It was FREEZING and actually SNOWING during the whole run (really just flurries, but it's all we've gotten this winter!). I wasn't sure how my body would respond to running, but things felt much better than expected. The cold was the most bothersome part! We finished a 2 mile run/walk and boy did it feel good! I met a lot of awesome people that somehow have a connection to Crohn's or Colitis. My mentor Nick has Crohn's and had a surgery similar to mine (not quite as extensive, but still similar). Also, one of the women that I ran with, Megan, works for Abbot and sells Humira, an IV based UC drug. It's really cool to hear the connection people have to the disease and why they are choosing to run. Everyone is also very open about their illness which makes talking about it so much easier.

In order to make it to Chicago, I not only have to train to run, but I also have pledged to raise $3,700 for the CCFA. Please visit my fundraising to learn a little bit more about CCFA and Team Challenge and to donate. I'm asking donors to give at least $13 ($1 for each mile I will run!) or more if possible! Every little bit helps us get closer to a cure and closer to Chicago!

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