For the appointment, I had been told it would take about 2 hours. I arrived at the hospital where they have a special parking deck just for the surgery center (for pre-testing too). I only waited a few minutes after filling out some paperwork before they called me back. I was weighed (156 lbs with clothes on) and had my blood pressure and temperature checked. Then, I waited for the stoma nurse to come.
I was done with the whole process in about an hour. There was no blood work, no EKG, and no X-rays of any kind. I was a little surprised that they didn't do any of this, but I'm assuming they will do any other tests they need on Wednesday morning when I get to the hospital. The only other thing I was expecting was having a chance to speak with an anesthesiologist. My surgeon had recommended that I have an epidural for my pain control after surgery and I wanted to ask about it and consider this as an option. I didn't meet anyone at pre-op, but got a call the next day from one of the admissions coordinators asking me to come an hour earlier on surgery day because I am having a "block" before surgery. Still not totally sure what this is, but I think it is the epidural, so I guess my questions will have to wait for Wednesday morning.
This weekend, I spent lots of time with my family before surgery happens. I got a chance to hold and play with my two year old twin nieces for the last time for several weeks (won't be able to pick them up for about 6 weeks). Also, my dad helped me move a couch from my sisters' house to mine on the other side of town. For a few months, I've only had a love seat and chair and decided that I really should have a full sized couch while I recover from surgery :)
Tomorrow is my last day at school for a while, and Tuesday is prep day and election day. Then, it's gameday....
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