
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One Week Out

Happy Halloween!! 

Today is exactly one week until my surgery and the nerves are starting to mount a little bit. Today, during one of my classes, a student asked me when my surgery is scheduled and I had the realization that it was almost exactly a week, even down to the minute. Definitely freaked me out a bit!

Overall, I am becoming more and more hesitant about surgery. I keep running through the "what if's" in  my head. What if the pathology comes back better? What if it comes back worse? What if I don't really need the surgery? What if there are complications? What if, what if, what if...!!! I know it's not helpful to divulge into the "what if's", but it's hard not to when undergoing such a big surgery.

I have my pre-op appointment tomorrow, so hopefully I will know a little bit more about surgery and the hospital. I'm also supposed to get my stoma site marked!

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